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What real estate agents need to know about dog spas

At-home pet spas and showers are now a unique (and sought-after) selling point of newer and remodeled properties. Knowing and understanding these trends can help agents stand out to potential clients.

What real estate agents need to know about stair lifts

Here’s what you need to know to suggest stair lifts as an alternative means of traveling safely between a home’s floors. Whether the result of neuropathy, injuries, age or disabilities, homebuyers with mobility issues have specific… More

8 new agent mistakes to avoid from the get-go

So you’ve got your real estate license in hand — now what? Of course, finding a place to work and securing those first clients may seem like they should top your list, but there are a… More

What real estate agents should know about laminate countertops

Real estate agents who understand the availability of different laminates and their many use cases bring an advantage to their clients when discussing renovation options. Alphotographic via Getty Images Used all over the world for countertops, residential… More

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