The Harlem Art Scene

With an eclectic mix of galleries and massive personal collections peppering the streets above Central Park, Harlem can now be added to New York’s list of impressive arts communities. Focusing largely on work with African and Caribbean influences, here are a few of the noteworthy Harlem art spaces to visit this winter.


The Studio Museum

144 W. 125th St. near Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Boulevard


“Portrait of a Young Musician” by Beauford Delaney (Image:

The Studio Museum was founded in 1968 with a goal to support artists and arts education by displaying notable works of art and creating a space for a dynamic exchange of ideas about art and the world. Inspired and influenced by black culture, works at the Studio Museum have come from both world-renowned artists and local up-and-comers. Currently, the museum is featuring Circa 1970, a collection of paintings, drawings, prints, photographs, and sculpture all created between 1970 and 1979. The pieces reflect the historical, socio-political, and cultural landscapes of that time and come from more than two-dozen artists including Benny Andrews, Romare Bearden, Binion, Blackburn, Elizabeth Catlett-Mora, and many more.


Contemporary African Art Gallery

330 W. 108th Street near Riverside Drive

Founded in 1986 on the far west side of Harlem, the Contemporary African Art Gallery has displayed fine art from both emerging artists and established names. The work of more than 30 artists are currently on display with pieces ranging from sculptures to paintings to larger installations.


The Gadson Gallery

225 West 134th Street off Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Boulevard


The Art of Laura R. Gadson (Image:

A Harlem-based quilt, fiber and mixed media artist, Laura R. Gadson has opened up her Harlem brownstone home to guests for more than 22 years. In collaboration with fellow Harlem artist Shimoda, the pair curate sponsored events featuring their works and pieces by other local artists. This unique space is available by appointment only. Sign up for their newsletter to learn about upcoming exhibits and plan your visit.


Arts Horizons LeRoy Neiman Art Center

2785 Frederick Douglass Blvd. at 148th Street


Artist Autumn de Forest (Image: Wikimedia)

Made possible through a gift from artist LeRoy Neiman with ongoing support from his charitable foundation, the Arts Horizons LeRoy Neiman Art Center aims to strengthen the community and encourage lifelong learning with exhibitions and learning programs for kids through seniors. In addition to art by patron Neiman and the center’s students, the gallery is currently exhibiting the work of teen artist phenom Autumn de Forest through the end of January.


Museum of Art and Origins

430 W. 162 St. at Jumel Terrace

Like the Gadson Gallery, the Museum of Art and Origins is comprised of a personal collection open to guests by appointment. Set across from Roger Morris Park and the Morris-Jumel Mansion, you’ll experience the collection of George Nelson Preston, a noted poet and art historian. His works include impressive sculptures, paintings and prints from Sudan, Zaire, Nigeria as well as European and Asian art.


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